B.Sc.- Media Graphics & Animation (BMG)

Admission Date

Last date of admission : Pl Call, admisisons are open.

About BMG

The objectives is to provide factual information allowing understanding of the complexities of the “World of Graphics & Animation” with the emphasis on basic science, principles involved in sector. The scope of this course has been designed in such way that its application is inter dependent in all the aspects of the media industry across the world.

Please read Govt of Maharashtra GR.dated 15 June.2010 regarding MBA admissions. (Click here)

Eligibility for BMG Admission

  • HSC (10+2) from a Government Recognized Board of India or equivalent.

  • Three years Diploma from Board of Technical Examination or equivalent.

  • YCMOU Preparatory exam passed

  • Non HSC Students - Appear for Preparatory Exam of YCMOU. YCMOU Preparatory Exam pass student will get admission to BMG.

Admission Procedure

Students has to approach MICROCOMM before the last date of admission.

Documents required for Admission :

  • All documents must be attested (Submit 1 set of documents)

  • Take photocopy of original documents.

  • (Photocopy taken from attested document will not be accepted.)

  • SSC & HSC Mark sheet Photocopy.

  • Leaving certificate Photocopy.

  • 2 Passport size Recent Photos

  • Diploma students- Mark sheets of all years.

(If students passed in more than 1 attempt then attach all mark sheets)

YCMOU do not take any original document.

Course Fees & Duration

    Stundent has to pay one time fee as per YCMOU rule. Course Fees includes:
  • Registration Fees

  • Exam Fees

  • Books Fees.

  • (Each student has to pay course fees along with Admission form.)

    Degree Duration: 3 Years.

    Theory Exam : First/Second Week of May.


Th : Indicates only Theory Exam

Th + Pr : Indicates Theory & Practical Exam.

First Year
  • BMG 101-Introduction to Computers & Internet (Th)

  • BMG 102-Drawing and Sketching (Th)

  • BMG 103-Color Theory (Th)

  • BMG 104-Typography (Th)

  • BMG 105-Computer Graphics Part1: Adobe Photoshop (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 106-Computer Graphics Part2 : Adobe Illustrator (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 107-Technical and Creative Writing (Th)

  • BMG 108-Introduction to Multimedia and its Application (Th)

  • BMG 109-Developing Presentations (Th)

  • BMG 110-Design Principles (Th)

  • BMG 111-Print Media Part1 : Coral Draw (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 112-Print Media Part2 : Quark Express (Th+Pr)

Second Year
  • BMG 201-Introduction to Web Development (Th)

  • BMG 202-HTML (Th)

  • BMG 203-Computer Animation : Flash (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 204-Content Digitization (Th)

  • BMG 205-Content Authoring on Web using Macromedia Dreamweaver (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 206-Developing Dynamic Web Pages using Java and VB Scripts (Th)

  • BMG 207-Video-Production Basics (Th)

  • BMG 208-Story Boarding (Th)

  • BMG 209-Visual Communication (Th)

  • BMG 210-Audio-Editing: Sound Forge (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 211-Video-Editing: Adobe Premier (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 212-Advance Video Effects (Th)

Third Year
  • BMG 301-Animation Principles (Th)

  • BMG 302-Introduction to Maya (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 303-Character Set up and Animation in Maya (Th)

  • BMG 304-Advanced Maya (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 305-Introduction to 3Ds MAX (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 306-Advanced 3Ds Max (Th+Pr)

  • BMG 307-Charater Animation (Th)

  • BMG 308-CG Film Making (Th)

  • BMG 309-Project Work

  • BMG 310-Environment Studies (Th)

Registration Procedure

Registration / admission process is simple. Most of the registration / admission process is completed at the respective study centre only. Following is the procedure for registration / admission:

  • The university advertises admission notice for this programme.

  • The university will sell Prospectus and Admission form to the students through Regional Centers / Study Centers.

  • Student should confirm his/her eligibility as per admission eligibility criteria for admission.

  • Student shall submit the duly filled application form along with attested photocopies of each supporting document such as Leaving Certificate, S.S.C., H.S.C. or any other examination marksheet attested Photocopy. If the students want to take admission directly to second or third year they shall submit their first or second year marksheet attested Photocopy and required DD to his selected study centre. He is granted provisional admission at the study centre after a preliminary scrutiny.

  • The study centre forwards a list of provisionally admitted students along with their admission forms and attachments to The Deputy Registrar, Registration Section-I, YCMOU, Nashik. University will check eligibility and DD for “University Programme Fee” for all admission forms and prepare the merit order list for respective study centre. After scrutiny, University admits the students to the respective programme as per the reservation policy and merit order list of each study centre.

  • Student will be informed about the confirmation of his admission and is assigned a Permanent Registration Number (PRN) and a study centre. A list of students attached to each study centre will be displayed at the concerned study centers.

  • Under any circumstances, no study centre change shall be allowed to any student, during the same year and proper no objection will require from the PC of existing study centre.

  • Normally, university will try to allot the study centre opted by the student, during next year. But if situation demands, university may allot different study centre to the student during next year. The university in this regard, either by student or study centre, will entertain no complaint.

  • During the end examination, admission to examination hall may be prohibited and/or examination results may be withheld, if student has not paid fee.

  • The university may return “University Programme Fee” DD if admission cannot be granted to the student.

Rules of Fee Refund :The University / Study Center will not refund any part of fee for any reasons whatsoever, to any student.

Examination Fees :One time exam fees are included in course fees. Only a repeater student has to pay re-examination fees Rs.500/- All Subjects.

Examination System:Examination system for this programme is designed to maintain quality standards. Repeater students will need to pay the Examination fees depending on the number of courses he/she wishes to appear. Students may not be allowed to appear in End Examination without Identity Card. Structure and Pattern The content of the programme is divided into a number of theory, theory plus practical and Project Courses.

1.THEORY COURSES The theory courses are of 4 CP (Credit Point). Each course is having its own types of question set depending upon the need of the aspects of individual subjects and it is mentioned in the syllabus. The duration of the end examination (EE) for 4 CP shall be 180 minutes and maximum marks shall be 80. Continuous Assessment: It will consist of 4 sets of Assignments (20marks each) thus for 80 marks. The marks obtained in these assignments will be converted into 20 marks. Total Marks per Subject: 100. A student will need to pass in the combined aggregate of the CA and EE by securing minimum 40 marks our of the total 100 marks (CA+EE) There will not be any repeater examination for the CA. A student failing in CA but passing in the total out of 100 shall be deemed to have successfully completed the course. Such students, like any other students, may improvise their score in the course by reappearing in the EE as a repeater.

2.THEORY CUM PRACTICAL COURSES The theory cum practical course have two passing heads: (a) Theory Component (4 CP, total 100 Marks, 80M for EE and 20 M for CA) (b) Practical Component (2 CP, Total 50 M)

A student will need to pass in the theory component and Practical component independently. A person who secures more than 40 % marks in Total 150 Marks but fails in Theory Component will be treated as having failed in the given T+Pr course. Such a student must appear in the theory component EE and secure such marks that his aggregate in the theory component is better than 40%. Similarly a student not securing more than or equal to 40% Marks in practical shall be declared unsuccessful and will have to reappear as a repeater in the practical component as per the rule.

For the details of evaluation for Theory Component read “1. Theory Courses” above.

Practical journal is a compulsory part of the evaluation, failing which the student would not be allowed to appear in the final examination. There will be continuous assessment of practical performed the theory courses are of 2 CP. The Practical courses are of 50 marks. The distribution of practical marks are as follows:

Viva voce 15 Work book (Journal) 10 Performance of practical activity 25 Total Marks 50

3.Project The Project Work shall carry 150 marks, to be allotted as under:

Project Evaluation by the external examiner: 75 marks Project Evaluation at the Study Centre: 75 marks Total 150 marks

4.Marks Reporting Performance of the student will be reported in the mark sheet for every course for which a student has registered and for those courses for which he appears as a repeater.

For the theory courses, the CA (out of 20), EE(out of 80) and Total marks (out of 100) obtained will be reported.

For the theory plus practical courses,

a. the marks in the theory Component will be reported as (CA(out of 20), EE(out of 80) and Total marks (out of 100)

b. Marks in Practical Component will be reported as (Journal (out of 10), Viva Voce(out of 15), performance in practical activities (out of 25) and the total (out of 50) shall be reported.

For the Project Courses the marks for CA(out of 75) and EE (Out of 75) and Total (out of 150) shall be reported. Student can improve his/her previous grades obtained in a course at any year by reappearing in End Examination. Only the best of the past examination performance, of a student in any course will be reported in the grade-cum-mark sheet. But no grade improvement shall be allowed after the award of a degree. Hence student should consider improvement in grades before applying for the convocation. For reporting the consolidated performance of a student in a Consolidated Mark sheet may be issued at the end of successive completion of all the course and components. Performance of the student will be reported in the mark sheet every year and for the courses for which he appears as a repeater.

5.Rules for Passing:

i) The examinee student must obtain at least 40% marks in the aggregate of CA and EE for a Theory course to successfully complete the course.

ii) The examinee must obtain at least 40% marks in the theory component and 40% marks in the practical component to successfully complete the theory cum practical course

iii) The examinee student must obtain at least 40% marks in the aggregate of CA and EE for a Project course to successfully complete the course.

iv) The student must successfully complete all the courses in order to qualify for securing the degree of B.Sc. (Media Graphics & Animation) Detail Scheme is given below.

  • 75 and above First class with distinction

  • 60-74.99 First Class

  • 50-59.99 Second Class

  • 40-49.99 Pass Class

  • Less than 40 Fail

6.General guideline for projects:

a. The student will identify the topic for research and the guiding teacher. He/ she shall send the synopsis to the University for approval in the prescribed format. The shared projects will not be allowed. In exceptional cases when the task of project work is important and requiring great amount of manpower, a team project will be allowed. However each student must have different title of project work, with clearly defined and distinctly different objectives of work. The synopsis of project work must be submitted to the University through websites (web forum and e-mail).

b. University shall grant the approval after scrutinizing the same and inform the Guide and the candidate.

c. The guide shall keep track of the work done by the candidate in such a manner as to enable him to award marks properly and judicially.

d. The University shall appoint external examiners to evaluate the projects.

e. The guide shall submit the marks report in a sealed enveloped with necessary signature to the study centre Head.

f. The student shall submit the two copies of the final project report duly signed by the guiding teacher to the University at the time of presentation of duration 15 minutes. g. The external examiner shall give marks to the examinees after going through the presentations of the Project work. The student shall submit the two copies of the final project report duly signed by the guiding teacher to the University at the time of presentation of duration 15 minutes.

g. The external examiner shall give marks to the examinees after going through the presentations of the Project work.

h. The distribution of marks is to be awarded by the guide at study centre shall be as follows:

  • (h.1) Punctuality in attending project activities 15

  • (h.2) Awareness of the cost – effectiveness of the processes 15

  • (h.3) Library work actually undertaken by professional point 15 of view

  • (h.4) Importance of project work from professional point of view 15

  • (h.5) General Impression 15.

  • i. The distribution of marks to be awarded by external examiner: (i.1) Language of presentation 15 (correct punctuation, intonation, use of expression, grammatical structure) (i.2) Effective communication during presentation 15 (i.3) Use of Higher though process as evidenced in project report 15 (i.4) Importance of choice of topic in professional sense (i.5) Overall General impression 15

    7. Panel of Examiners The panel of examiners, normally, will consist of experts from the academic and industrial field. This panel will carry out paper setting, examination and evaluation in theory, practical and project work courses.

    8. Frequency of Examinations End Examination will be conducted for all courses once in a year in June 3rd week (Yearly Pattern). Examinations for the repeaters may be conducted in December 3rd week onwards.

    9. Verification of Marks The University does not undertake revaluation of answer scripts / sheets of any course. Only verification of marks is allowed on submission of an application form for the same, which is available at the respective study centers, for a prescribed form fee (Rs100/-). Such duly filled form should be sent directly to the Examination Section of University within a maximum period of 60 days from the date of declaration of result at Nashik. Student has to pay prescribed verification fee, against the verification of marks. Fees that is, form and verification fee, are payable only at the time of submission of the form.

    10. If you don’t pay the fees … During the End Examination, admission to examination hall may be prohibited or examination results may be withheld, in case of non-payment of “University Programme Fee” and / or “Study Centre Fee” and / or “Examination Fee”

    11. For Repeater Students Student may improve his examination performance, by reappearing in the end examination for a given course, during subsequent examination, by paying separate examination fees. But no grade improvement shall be allowed after the award of a Certificate or the Diploma. Hence student should consider improvement in grades before applying for the convocation.

    12. Award of Degree After successful completion of all courses at all years, the degree BSc (MGA) may be awarded, in person or absence, during next convocation to those candidates who fulfill the prescribed procedure of filing the convocation form and payment of the prescribed fees.


  • Is BMG government authorized degree ?

    Yes, BMG degree officered by Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik (YCMOU). This university established by Govt. of Maharasthra in July 1989 by the Act XX-(1989) of the Maharashtra State Legislature. BMG degree is recognized all over india and abroad for job, higher education & competitive exams like MPSC/UPSC.

    Please read Govt of Maharashtra GR.dated 15 June.2010 regarding MBA admissions. (Click here)

  • What is the qualification required to get admission to BMG ?

    UGC rule for degree course is 10+2+3. Student must be HSC (10+2) or Diploma holder (Three years Diploma offered by Board of Technical Examination). Non HSC students please appear for YCMOU Preparatory Exam which is equivalent to HSC.

  • Do you enroll only HSC (science) students ?

    No, there is no such criteria. HSC passed students with any stream i.e. arts, commerce, MCVC, science are eligible to get admission to BMG.

  • Can I get admission to PG degree after completion of BMG ?

    Yes, this degree is valid for admission to PG degree in any university. Student is eligible to get admission to MCM, MBA etc.

    Please read Govt of Maharashtra GR.dated 15 June.2010 regarding MBA admissions.(Click here)

  • What is duration for BMG ?

    Duration for BMG is 3 years.

  • What is BMG batch timings ?

    We have morning, afternoon & evening batch timings. Students can take batch as per their choice.

  • Is attendance compulsory ?

    No, attendance is not compulsory. But for practical subjects attendance is desirable.

  • What will be the course material & library facility ?

    All Books will be provided by YCMOU with no any extra fees.

  • What will be the exam schedule ?

    End Examination will be conducted for all courses once in a year in May Second week (Yearly Pattern). Examinations for the repeaters may be conducted in December second week onwards

  • What is the exam pattern ?

    University exam pattern is 80+20. University will conduct 80 marks theory exam. For details please read Registration Procedure.

  • What is the passing criteria ?

    For details please read Registration Procedure.

  • If I fail in any subject, then what will be the re-exam procedure ?

    Fail student can appear for re-exam which will conducted by university in December 3rd week.

  • Is there any provision of 'ATKT' ?

    Student get full 'ATKT' means irrespective of no. of fail subjects, student eligible for next year admission.

  • When I will get result ?

    After end exam within 60 days students will get Mark sheet. Also can see result on YCMOU website.